Agave employs a fleet of shuttles called the cactus cruisers. We operated this free shuttle on show nites at Agave, as well as anytime a group of people would like to come to our establishment. During off nights or nights without a concert our minimum number of people we will pick up is 10.
On Concert nights the shuttle operates on a call in basis for patrons before show time. We are happy to pick up groups of 6 or more most anywhere in the Vail Valley. If the shuttle is experiencing many requests for service we may limit pick ups to central locations-(like the VTC).
The shuttle will operate the corridor from Avon to Vail via hwy 6 after the show. Depending on the number of patrons requesting service we may travel off of this corridor.
Our goal is provide a convenient way home for patrons after a concert. We understand that many people do drink while at Agave (duh)—and we do not wish for anyone to have any unexpected detentions by the local authorities.
We do not charge for the service but our underpaid drivers do appreciate any tips that can be extracted from patrons.